What advice do you think advisors should be giving students regarding their career path?
If students want to stay in astronomy, it’s important to do great research and to make sure others know about that research through publications, but also through attending professional meetings, particularly those topical meetings in the most relevant research areas where they can meet the individuals who may have funds for fellowships in the future.
For faculty positions, becoming an
engaging teacher is important and this takes practice giving talks. Advisors should give students many opportunities to present their research and advise them on how to present it more clearly and for different audiences.
Since about one-third of astronomers work in academic positions, one-third at observatories and national labs and one-third in industry, it is also very important that students broadly consider their future options. While there are currently many post-doctural positions each year, there are generally fewer job openings for more senior positions.
check the entire topic here:

For faculty positions, becoming an
Since about one-third of astronomers work in academic positions, one-third at observatories and national labs and one-third in industry, it is also very important that students broadly consider their future options. While there are currently many post-doctural positions each year, there are generally fewer job openings for more senior positions.
check the entire topic here:
