
Sextractor【2.2】RMS image and WEIGHT image problem in Hubble Image process

#!/usr/bin/env python
# anton 与 aplus weight rms image的区别

Used data:
      F140W and F160W  plus the detection image of a2744 from aplus pipeline and the anton
F160W  exptime = 68202.
F140W  exptime = 28140.213257

notice that SExtractor use "weight image" in a different way, it scaled the weight map based on the sextracted image.

(*) create the weight image based on the rms image and weight image by my self.

(*) relation of weight images between APLUS and Anton’s
anton: weight = 1/rms*2*(exposure map)**2
APLUS: weight = exposure map

_rnVarSuppFac_ = 1.38                  # boost N*rn^2 by this factor for RMS images
_exVarPerSec_  = 0.02222               # add this much extra var per sec for RMS ims

dark = 0.048    # WFC3 http://www.stsci.edu/hst/wfc3/documents/handbooks/currentIHB/c05_detector8.html
Var = [f*(dark+back)/g+sig**2*f**2]  / t**2
weight = 1 / (Var * scale*4)
           # 1. construct variance from sky, sci[], wght[]
           # 2. clip zeros/negatives and infinities to values that will work w/sqrt(),
           #     and so that sqrt(val) = 2e30 > 1e30, => zero weight in SExtractor;
           #     have to work in Float64 to avoid Inf's.
           # 3. take sqrt() and cast as float32
           # 4. tidy header
           # 5. write it out
#################################################  APSIS   ##################################################     
           skyval *= area_ratio
           readVariance = Ncombed*(rn/gain)*(rn/gain)
           totInstVar =  (_rnVarSuppFac_ * readVariance+ (_exVarPerSec_ * exptime)     #### here
           totInstVar *= area_ratio
           # maybe doing arithmetic in two steps will help conserve memory...
           newDat  = ((skyval + scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64))/gain + totInstVar* (exptime * area_ratio)
           # newDat[] is now variance *in counts* times maximum expTime; divide by expTime map...
           newDat /= wgtfits[0].data
           rmsfits[0].data = numpy.sqrt(newDat).astype(numpy.float32)
#################################################  APLUS   ##################################################        
# about rms image
           dark = 0.00008  #WZ, UVIS dark rate
           # skyval *= area_ratio #WZ redundant
           readVariance = Ncombed*(rn/gain)*(rn/gain)
           totInstVar = readVariance + dark * exptime #WZ            #### here
           newDat  = ((skyval+ nullDat)/gain + totInstVar* (exptime * area_ratio# This is an array
           newDat /= wgtfits[0].data
           ## now fix up problem values...
           newDat = numpy.where(numpy.logical_or(numpy.greater_equal(newDat,1e38),\
                                                     numpy.less_equal(newDat,0.)),4e38,newDat#WZ Mar 2013
# about the weight image for detection
   def mkIrafIm(self):
       """ make the detection image.  This method creates the detection 
       Image using the CHI^2 algorithm.
   def mkChi2Im(self):
       Make the detection image using Numeric package, not IRAF.
       This method creates the detection Image using the CHI^2 algorithm.
   def mkInvarIm(self):
       Make the detection image using Numeric package, not IRAF.
       This method creates a detection image using the inverse variance
   def mkWghtIm(self, doMedFilt=0, medfiltsize=5):
       """ Makes the weight image to be used by Sextractor when finding
       sources in the (inverse variance-weighted) detection image.
       The method for constructing the weight image follows analogously
       to that used in making the (inverse-variance) detection image.
       for im in self.statsList:
               noise    = float(im[2])   # [1] is background, [2] is noise based on the sextractor. 
               x = (ffi[0].data)/noise/noise
               wgtFF[0].data += x.astype(numpy.float32)
               weightNorm += 1.0/noise/noise
       wgtFF[0].data = wgtFF[0].data/weightNorm

  def makeRmsImage(self):
       """turns the drizzled weight images into RMS images that
           SExtractor will use.
       self.logfile.write("starting makeRmsImage . . .")
       if not self.weightImageList:
           errtxt="No Weight Images present."
           raise Exception, errtxt

       # reset rms image list
       while self.rmsImageList:
           del self.rmsImageList[0]

       curdir = os.getcwd()
       for im_wgt in self.weightImageList:
           im_sci = im_wgt[:-12]+'.fits'
           if im_sci not in self.sciImageList:
               errtxt = 'makeRmsImage: '+im_sci+' not in sciImageList[]!'
               wgtfits = pyfits.open(im_wgt)
               scifits = pyfits.open(im_sci)
               self.errorList.append((self.modName,"Cannot make a FITS object out of file "+im_wgt))
               raise Exception,"Cannot make a FITS object out of file "+im_wgt
           if len(wgtfits> 1 or len(scifits> 1:
               self.errorList.append((self.modName,"image file is not simple fits."))
               raise Exception,"image file is not simple fits."

           # build rms image name and open as a new file.
           rmsfile = im_wgt.split("_drz")[0]+'_RMS.fits'
           self.outputList[rmsfile] = [im_wgt]
           # make new fits obj and copy WGT/SCI hdr/data to RMS image initially
           rmsfitsobj = pyfits.HDUList()
               del rmsfitsobj[0].header.ascard["EXTEND"]
           except KeyError:
           rmsfitsobj[0].header = wgtfits[0].header
           rmsfitsobj[0].data   = scifits[0].data
           if os.path.isfile(rmsfile):
           del rmsfitsobj

           # reopen the rms image for editing.
           rmsfits = pyfits.open(rmsfile,'update')

           # ratio of default to specified output scales
           area_ratio = (self.asecpix / self.origscale)**2
           if abs(1-area_ratio< 1e-4: area_ratio = 1
           self.logfile.write('Using area_ratio = %.6f in makeRmsImage' %(area_ratio))

           skyval  = scifits[0].header.get('ALIGNSKY')  # this rescaled below
           exptime = scifits[0].header.get('EXPTIME')
           Ncombed = scifits[0].header.get('NCOMBINE')
           if Ncombed == None:
               errtxt='Error: NCOMBINE not in '+im_sci+' header. _sumSubSkyNcombine() not run?'
               raise Exception,errtxt
           gain,rn = pyblot._gain_rn(scifits, self.logfile, ext=0)
           # if not told to use header gain, then use 1.0 (data in electrons)
           if not self.hdrGain:
               gain = 1.0
           self.logfile.write(im_sci+":  gain,rn = "+str(gain)+","+str(rn)+\
                              "  NCOMBINE = "+str(Ncombed)+"  EXPTIME = "+str(exptime))
           if not exptime:
               raise Exception,"No EXPTIME in "+im_sci
           if (skyval == None or skyval < 1):
               warntxt = 'WARNING: found ALIGNSKY of '+str(skyval)+' in '+im_sci+\
                         ' : RMS image may be in WRONG!'
               del warntxt
               if skyval == None: skyval=0

           skyval *= area_ratio
           # 1. construct variance from sky, sci[], wght[]
           # 2. clip zeros/negatives and infinities to values that will work w/sqrt(),
           #     and so that sqrt(val) = 2e30 > 1e30, => zero weight in SExtractor;
           #     have to work in Float64 to avoid Inf's.
           # 3. take sqrt() and cast as float32
           # 4. tidy header
           # 5. write it out
           readVariance = Ncombed*(rn/gain)*(rn/gain)
           self.logfile.write("total read variance = "+str(readVariance)+" for "+im_sci)
           if self.suppInstVar:
               # supplement factor for reference bais subtraction, etc
               # extra var per sec for dark subtraction, repaired cosmic rays, etc.
               totInstVar =  (_rnVarSuppFac_ * readVariance+ (_exVarPerSec_ * exptime)
               self.logfile.write("adjusted instrumental variance = "+str(totInstVar)+" for "+im_sci)
               totInstVar = readVariance

           totInstVar *= area_ratio
           # maybe doing arithmetic in two steps will help conserve memory...
           newDat  = ((skyval + scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64))/gain + totInstVar* (exptime * area_ratio)
           # newDat[] is now variance *in counts* times maximum expTime; divide by expTime map...
           newDat /= wgtfits[0].data
           del scifits, wgtfits, im_wgt, im_sci, readVariance, totInstVar, area_ratio
           ## now fix up problem values...
           newDat = numpy.where(numpy.logical_or(numpy.greater_equal(newDat,1e60),\
           rmsfits[0].data = numpy.sqrt(newDat).astype(numpy.float32)

           # a few token updates to the header, then write it out
           self.logfile.write('Made rms image '+rmsfile)
           del newDat, rmsfile, rmsfits


  def makeRmsImage(self):
       """turns the drizzled weight images into RMS images that
           SExtractor will use.
       sn0 = 20. # WZ Threshold for bright pixels
       self.logfile.write("starting makeRmsImage . . .")
       if not self.weightImageList:
           errtxt="No Weight Images present."
           raise Exception, errtxt

       # reset rms image list
       while self.rmsImageList:
           del self.rmsImageList[0]

       curdir = os.getcwd()
       for im_wgt in self.weightImageList:
           #im_sci = im_wgt[:-9]+'.fits' #WZ
           im_sci = im_wgt[:-12]+'.fits' 
           if im_sci not in self.sciImageList:
               errtxt = 'makeRmsImage: '+im_sci+' not in sciImageList[]!'
               wgtfits = pyfits.open(im_wgt)
               scifits = pyfits.open(im_sci)
               self.errorList.append((self.modName,"Cannot make a FITS object out of file "+im_wgt))
               raise Exception,"Cannot make a FITS object out of file "+im_wgt
           if len(wgtfits> 1 or len(scifits> 1:
               self.errorList.append((self.modName,"image file is not simple fits."))
               raise Exception,"image file is not simple fits."

           # build rms image name and open as a new file.
           rmsfile = im_wgt.split("_drz")[0]+'_RMS.fits'
           self.outputList[rmsfile] = [im_wgt]
           # make new fits obj and copy WGT/SCI hdr/data to RMS image initially
           rmsfitsobj = pyfits.HDUList()
               del rmsfitsobj[0].header.ascard["EXTEND"]
           except KeyError:
           rmsfitsobj[0].header = wgtfits[0].header
           rmsfitsobj[0].data   = scifits[0].data
           if os.path.isfile(rmsfile):
           del rmsfitsobj

           # reopen the rms image for editing.
           rmsfits = pyfits.open(rmsfile,'update')

           # ratio of default to specified output scales
           area_ratio = (self.asecpix / self.origscale)**2
           if abs(1-area_ratio< 1e-4: area_ratio = 1
           self.logfile.write('Using area_ratio = %.6f in makeRmsImage' %(area_ratio))

           skyval  = scifits[0].header.get('ALIGNSKY')  # this rescaled below
           exptime = scifits[0].header.get('EXPTIME')
           Ncombed = scifits[0].header.get('NCOMBINE')
           if Ncombed == None:
               errtxt='Error: NCOMBINE not in '+im_sci+' header. _sumSubSkyNcombine() not run?'
               raise Exception,errtxt
           gain,rn = pyblot._gain_rn(scifits, self.logfile, ext=0)
           # if not told to use header gain, then use 1.0 (data in electrons)
           if not self.hdrGain:
               gain = 1.54 # WZ was 1.0  # XX really?
           self.logfile.write(im_sci+":  gain,rn = "+str(gain)+","+str(rn)+\
                              "  NCOMBINE = "+str(Ncombed)+"  EXPTIME = "+str(exptime))
           if not exptime:
               raise Exception,"No EXPTIME in "+im_sci
           if (skyval == None or skyval < 1):
               warntxt = 'WARNING: found ALIGNSKY of '+str(skyval)+' in '+im_sci+\
                         ' : RMS image may be in WRONG!'
               del warntxt
               if skyval == None: skyval=0

           # skyval *= area_ratio #WZ redundant
            # 1. construct variance from sky, sci[], wght[]
           # 2. clip zeros/negatives and infinities to values that will work w/sqrt(),
           #     and so that sqrt(val) = 2e30 > 1e30, => zero weight in SExtractor;
           #     have to work in Float64 to avoid Inf's.
           # 3. take sqrt() and cast as float32
           # 4. tidy header
           # 5. write it out
           readVariance = Ncombed*(rn/gain)*(rn/gain)
           self.logfile.write("total read variance = "+str(readVariance)+" for "+im_sci)
           if self.suppInstVar:
               # supplement factor for reference bais subtraction, etc
               # extra var per sec for dark subtraction, repaired cosmic rays, etc.
               dark = 0.00008  #WZ, UVIS dark rate
               totInstVar = readVariance + dark * exptime #WZ      
               #totInstVar =  (_rnVarSuppFac_ * readVariance) + (_exVarPerSec_ * exptime)
               self.logfile.write("adjusted instrumental variance = "+str(totInstVar)+" for "+im_sci)
               totInstVar = readVariance

           # totInstVar *= area_ratio # WZ redundant
           # maybe doing arithmetic in two steps will help conserve memory...
           # newDat  = ((skyval + scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64))/gain + totInstVar) * (exptime * area_ratio
           factor = 0.
           nullDat = factor * scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64
           min = numpy.min(nullDat)
           max = numpy.max(nullDat)
           nullDat = scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64)  - scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64
           min = numpy.min(nullDat)
           max = numpy.max(nullDat)
           # Set up an array that does not include source counts WZ
           # newDat  = ((skyval+ nullDat)/gain + totInstVar) * area_ratio 
           newDat  = ((skyval+ nullDat)/gain + totInstVar* (exptime * area_ratio# This is an array
           # newDat[] is now variance *in counts* times maximum expTime; To be divided by expTime map...
           #sn = newDat/rmsfits[0].data #WZ Mark bright pixels
           #idx = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(numpy.greater(sn,sn0),numpy.less(wgtfits[0].data,0.)))
           #wgtfits[0].data[idx] = numpy.abs(wgtfits[0].data[idx])
           #for i in range(len(wgtfits[0].data)):
           #    for j in range(len(wgtfits[0].data[i])):
           #        if (wgtfits[0].data[i,j]< 1e-10):
           #            wgtfits[0].data[i,j]= 1e-10
           # idx = numpy.where(numpy.less(wgtfits[0].data,1e-10))
           # wgtfits[0].data[idx] = 1e-10
           # wgtfits[0].data = wgtfits[0].data + 1e-10
           newDat /= wgtfits[0].data
           ## now fix up problem values...
           newDat = numpy.where(numpy.logical_or(numpy.greater_equal(newDat,1e38),\
                                                     numpy.less_equal(newDat,0.)),4e38,newDat#WZ Mar 2013

           rmsfits[0].data = numpy.sqrt(newDat).astype(numpy.float32)
           del scifits, wgtfits, im_wgt, im_sci, readVariance, totInstVar, area_ratio

           # a few token updates to the header, then write it out
           self.logfile.write('Made rms image '+rmsfile)
           del newDat, rmsfile, rmsfits



if not self.hdrGain:
               gain = 1.54 # WZ was 1.0  # XX really?

#skyval *= area_ratio #WZ         #<-------------
 readVariance = Ncombed*(rn/gain)*(rn/gain)  # same

           if self.suppInstVar:
               # supplement factor for reference bais subtraction, etc
               # extra var per sec for dark subtraction, repaired cosmic rays, etc.
               dark = 0.00008  #WZ, UVIS dark rate          #<-------------
               totInstVar = readVariance + dark * exptime #WZ        #<-------------   
               #totInstVar =  (_rnVarSuppFac_ * readVariance) + (_exVarPerSec_ * exptime)

           factor = 0.
           nullDat = factor * scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64)
           min = numpy.min(nullDat)
           max = numpy.max(nullDat)

           nullDat = scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64)  - scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64)
           min = numpy.min(nullDat)
           max = numpy.max(nullDat)
           # Set up an array that does not include source counts WZ
           # newDat  = ((skyval+ nullDat)/gain + totInstVar) * area_ratio
           newDat  = ((skyval+ nullDat)/gain + totInstVar* (exptime * area_ratio# This is an array  #<-------------

In apsis:

_rnVarSuppFac_ = 1.38                  # boost N*rn^2 by this factor for RMS images
_exVarPerSec_  = 0.02222               # add this much extra var per sec for RMS ims
               totInstVar =  (_rnVarSuppFac_ * readVariance+ (_exVarPerSec_ * exptime)

           newDat  = ((skyval + scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64))/gain + totInstVar* (exptime * area_ratio)
           # newDat[] is now variance *in counts* times maximum expTime; divide by expTime map...

           newDat /= wgtfits[0].data



if not self.hdrGain:
                gain = 1.54 # WZ was 1.0  # XX really?

 #skyval *= area_ratio #WZ   #<-------------
  readVariance = Ncombed*(rn/gain)*(rn/gain)  # same

            if self.suppInstVar:
                # supplement factor for reference bais subtraction, etc
                # extra var per sec for dark subtraction, repaired cosmic rays, etc.
                dark = 0.00008  #WZ, UVIS dark rate   #<-------------
                totInstVar = readVariance + dark * exptime #WZ #<-------------  
                #totInstVar =  (_rnVarSuppFac_ * readVariance) + (_exVarPerSec_ * exptime)

            factor = 0.
            nullDat = factor * scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64)
            min = numpy.min(nullDat)
            max = numpy.max(nullDat)

            nullDat = scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64)  - scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64)
            min = numpy.min(nullDat)
            max = numpy.max(nullDat)
            # Set up an array that does not include source counts WZ
            # newDat  = ((skyval+ nullDat)/gain + totInstVar) * area_ratio
            newDat  = ((skyval+ nullDat)/gain + totInstVar) * (exptime * area_ratio) # This is an array #<-------------

In apsis:

_rnVarSuppFac_ = 1.38                  # boost N*rn^2 by this factor for RMS images
_exVarPerSec_  = 0.02222               # add this much extra var per sec for RMS ims
                totInstVar =  (_rnVarSuppFac_ * readVariance) + (_exVarPerSec_ * exptime)

            newDat  = ((skyval + scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64))/gain + totInstVar) * (exptime * area_ratio)
            # newDat[] is now variance *in counts* times maximum expTime; divide by expTime map...

            newDat /= wgtfits[0].data



aplus (CombDither.py 1641):
    def makeRmsImage(self):
        """turns the drizzled weight images into RMS images that
            SExtractor will use.
        sn0 = 20. # WZ Threshold for bright pixels
        self.logfile.write("starting makeRmsImage . . .")
        if not self.weightImageList:
            errtxt="No Weight Images present."
            raise Exception, errtxt

        # reset rms image list
        while self.rmsImageList:
            del self.rmsImageList[0]

        curdir = os.getcwd()
        for im_wgt in self.weightImageList:
            #im_sci = im_wgt[:-9]+'.fits' #WZ
            im_sci = im_wgt[:-12]+'.fits'
            if im_sci not in self.sciImageList:
                errtxt = 'makeRmsImage: '+im_sci+' not in sciImageList[]!'
                wgtfits = pyfits.open(im_wgt)
                scifits = pyfits.open(im_sci)
                self.errorList.append((self.modName,"Cannot make a FITS object out of file "+im_wgt))
                raise Exception,"Cannot make a FITS object out of file "+im_wgt
            if len(wgtfits) > 1 or len(scifits) > 1:
                self.errorList.append((self.modName,"image file is not simple fits."))
                raise Exception,"image file is not simple fits."

            # build rms image name and open as a new file.
            rmsfile = im_wgt.split("_drz")[0]+'_RMS.fits'
            self.outputList[rmsfile] = [im_wgt]
            # make new fits obj and copy WGT/SCI hdr/data to RMS image initially
            rmsfitsobj = pyfits.HDUList()
                del rmsfitsobj[0].header.ascard["EXTEND"]
            except KeyError:
            rmsfitsobj[0].header = wgtfits[0].header
            rmsfitsobj[0].data   = scifits[0].data
            if os.path.isfile(rmsfile):
            del rmsfitsobj

            # reopen the rms image for editing.
            rmsfits = pyfits.open(rmsfile,'update')

            # ratio of default to specified output scales
            area_ratio = (self.asecpix / self.origscale)**2
            if abs(1-area_ratio) < 1e-4: area_ratio = 1
            self.logfile.write('Using area_ratio = %.6f in makeRmsImage' %(area_ratio))

            skyval  = scifits[0].header.get('ALIGNSKY')  # this rescaled below
            exptime = scifits[0].header.get('EXPTIME')
            Ncombed = scifits[0].header.get('NCOMBINE')
            if Ncombed == None:
                errtxt='Error: NCOMBINE not in '+im_sci+' header. _sumSubSkyNcombine() not run?'
                raise Exception,errtxt
            gain,rn = pyblot._gain_rn(scifits, self.logfile, ext=0)
            # if not told to use header gain, then use 1.0 (data in electrons)
            if not self.hdrGain:
                gain = 1.54 # WZ was 1.0
            self.logfile.write(im_sci+":  gain,rn = "+str(gain)+","+str(rn)+\
                               "  NCOMBINE = "+str(Ncombed)+"  EXPTIME = "+str(exptime))
            if not exptime:
                raise Exception,"No EXPTIME in "+im_sci
            if (skyval == None or skyval < 1):
                warntxt = 'WARNING: found ALIGNSKY of '+str(skyval)+' in '+im_sci+\
                          ' : RMS image may be in WRONG!'
                del warntxt
                if skyval == None: skyval=0

            # skyval *= area_ratio #WZ redundant
             # 1. construct variance from sky, sci[], wght[]
            # 2. clip zeros/negatives and infinities to values that will work w/sqrt(),
            #     and so that sqrt(val) = 2e30 > 1e30, => zero weight in SExtractor;
            #     have to work in Float64 to avoid Inf's.
            # 3. take sqrt() and cast as float32
            # 4. tidy header
            # 5. write it out
            readVariance = Ncombed*(rn/gain)*(rn/gain)
            self.logfile.write("total read variance = "+str(readVariance)+" for "+im_sci)
            if self.suppInstVar:
                # supplement factor for reference bais subtraction, etc
                # extra var per sec for dark subtraction, repaired cosmic rays, etc.
                dark = 0.00008  #WZ, UVIS dark rate
                totInstVar = readVariance + dark * exptime #WZ    
                #totInstVar =  (_rnVarSuppFac_ * readVariance) + (_exVarPerSec_ * exptime)
                self.logfile.write("adjusted instrumental variance = "+str(totInstVar)+" for "+im_sci)
                totInstVar = readVariance

            # totInstVar *= area_ratio # WZ redundant
            # maybe doing arithmetic in two steps will help conserve memory...
            # newDat  = ((skyval + scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64))/gain + totInstVar) * (exptime * area_ratio
            factor = 0.
            nullDat = factor * scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64)
            min = numpy.min(nullDat)
            max = numpy.max(nullDat)
            nullDat = scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64)  - scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64)
            min = numpy.min(nullDat)
            max = numpy.max(nullDat)
            # Set up an array that does not include source counts WZ
            # newDat  = ((skyval+ nullDat)/gain + totInstVar) * area_ratio
            newDat  = ((skyval+ nullDat)/gain + totInstVar) * (exptime * area_ratio) # This is an array
            # newDat[] is now variance *in counts* times maximum expTime; To be divided by expTime map...
            #sn = newDat/rmsfits[0].data #WZ Mark bright pixels
            #idx = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(numpy.greater(sn,sn0),numpy.less(wgtfits[0].data,0.)))
            #wgtfits[0].data[idx] = numpy.abs(wgtfits[0].data[idx])
            #for i in range(len(wgtfits[0].data)):
            #    for j in range(len(wgtfits[0].data[i])):
            #        if (wgtfits[0].data[i,j]< 1e-10):
            #            wgtfits[0].data[i,j]= 1e-10
            # idx = numpy.where(numpy.less(wgtfits[0].data,1e-10))
            # wgtfits[0].data[idx] = 1e-10
            # wgtfits[0].data = wgtfits[0].data + 1e-10
            newDat /= wgtfits[0].data
            ## now fix up problem values...
            newDat = numpy.where(numpy.logical_or(numpy.greater_equal(newDat,1e38),\
                                                      numpy.less_equal(newDat,0.)),4e38,newDat) #WZ Mar 2013

            rmsfits[0].data = numpy.sqrt(newDat).astype(numpy.float32)
            del scifits, wgtfits, im_wgt, im_sci, readVariance, totInstVar, area_ratio

            # a few token updates to the header, then write it out
            self.logfile.write('Made rms image '+rmsfile)
            del newDat, rmsfile, rmsfits

apsis (CombDither.py 1641):
    def makeRmsImage(self):
        """turns the drizzled weight images into RMS images that
            SExtractor will use.
        self.logfile.write("starting makeRmsImage . . .")
        if not self.weightImageList:
            errtxt="No Weight Images present."
            raise Exception, errtxt

        # reset rms image list
        while self.rmsImageList:
            del self.rmsImageList[0]

        curdir = os.getcwd()
        for im_wgt in self.weightImageList:
            im_sci = im_wgt[:-12]+'.fits'
            if im_sci not in self.sciImageList:
                errtxt = 'makeRmsImage: '+im_sci+' not in sciImageList[]!'
                wgtfits = pyfits.open(im_wgt)
                scifits = pyfits.open(im_sci)
                self.errorList.append((self.modName,"Cannot make a FITS object out of file "+im_wgt))
                raise Exception,"Cannot make a FITS object out of file "+im_wgt
            if len(wgtfits) > 1 or len(scifits) > 1:
                self.errorList.append((self.modName,"image file is not simple fits."))
                raise Exception,"image file is not simple fits."

            # build rms image name and open as a new file.
            rmsfile = im_wgt.split("_drz")[0]+'_RMS.fits'
            self.outputList[rmsfile] = [im_wgt]
            # make new fits obj and copy WGT/SCI hdr/data to RMS image initially
            rmsfitsobj = pyfits.HDUList()
                del rmsfitsobj[0].header.ascard["EXTEND"]
            except KeyError:
            rmsfitsobj[0].header = wgtfits[0].header
            rmsfitsobj[0].data   = scifits[0].data
            if os.path.isfile(rmsfile):
            del rmsfitsobj

            # reopen the rms image for editing.
            rmsfits = pyfits.open(rmsfile,'update')

            # ratio of default to specified output scales
            area_ratio = (self.asecpix / self.origscale)**2
            if abs(1-area_ratio) < 1e-4: area_ratio = 1
            self.logfile.write('Using area_ratio = %.6f in makeRmsImage' %(area_ratio))

            skyval  = scifits[0].header.get('ALIGNSKY')  # this rescaled below
            exptime = scifits[0].header.get('EXPTIME')
            Ncombed = scifits[0].header.get('NCOMBINE')
            if Ncombed == None:
                errtxt='Error: NCOMBINE not in '+im_sci+' header. _sumSubSkyNcombine() not run?'
                raise Exception,errtxt
            gain,rn = pyblot._gain_rn(scifits, self.logfile, ext=0)
            # if not told to use header gain, then use 1.0 (data in electrons)
            if not self.hdrGain:
                gain = 1.0
            self.logfile.write(im_sci+":  gain,rn = "+str(gain)+","+str(rn)+\
                               "  NCOMBINE = "+str(Ncombed)+"  EXPTIME = "+str(exptime))
            if not exptime:
                raise Exception,"No EXPTIME in "+im_sci
            if (skyval == None or skyval < 1):
                warntxt = 'WARNING: found ALIGNSKY of '+str(skyval)+' in '+im_sci+\
                          ' : RMS image may be in WRONG!'
                del warntxt
                if skyval == None: skyval=0

            skyval *= area_ratio
            # 1. construct variance from sky, sci[], wght[]
            # 2. clip zeros/negatives and infinities to values that will work w/sqrt(),
            #     and so that sqrt(val) = 2e30 > 1e30, => zero weight in SExtractor;
            #     have to work in Float64 to avoid Inf's.
            # 3. take sqrt() and cast as float32
            # 4. tidy header
            # 5. write it out
            readVariance = Ncombed*(rn/gain)*(rn/gain)
            self.logfile.write("total read variance = "+str(readVariance)+" for "+im_sci)
            if self.suppInstVar:
                # supplement factor for reference bais subtraction, etc
                # extra var per sec for dark subtraction, repaired cosmic rays, etc.
                totInstVar =  (_rnVarSuppFac_ * readVariance) + (_exVarPerSec_ * exptime)
                self.logfile.write("adjusted instrumental variance = "+str(totInstVar)+" for "+im_sci)
                totInstVar = readVariance

            totInstVar *= area_ratio
            # maybe doing arithmetic in two steps will help conserve memory...
            newDat  = ((skyval + scifits[0].data.astype(numpy.float64))/gain + totInstVar) * (exptime * area_ratio)
            # newDat[] is now variance *in counts* times maximum expTime; divide by expTime map...
            newDat /= wgtfits[0].data
            del scifits, wgtfits, im_wgt, im_sci, readVariance, totInstVar, area_ratio
            ## now fix up problem values...
            newDat = numpy.where(numpy.logical_or(numpy.greater_equal(newDat,1e60),\
            rmsfits[0].data = numpy.sqrt(newDat).astype(numpy.float32)

            # a few token updates to the header, then write it out
            self.logfile.write('Made rms image '+rmsfile)
            del newDat, rmsfile, rmsfits


