
Useful python script in astronomy.

Out of numpy, scipy, astropy that you have already used, there may be more detail small script you may want for daily work. I have made some script myself, like to read a catalog,  simple plot from a catalog. However, the use of them are quite limit. Here I introduce for you some good scripts from the website. They are more powerful and can be used in a wide area. Hope this will help you to have more time to focus on your job!



Full package of the utilities listed below.
angsep.py html txt Angular separation between two celestial sources
coords.py html txt Utilities for parsing and converting coordinates.
parseconfig.py html txt Utilities for reading SExtractor-style parameter files.
numprint.py html txt Utilities for printing columns of numpy one-dimensional arrays.
readcol.py html txt Utilities for reading columns of numbers from ascii files.
sextutils.py html txt Utilities for reading SExtractor catalogs.
match.py html txt Utilities for coordinate matching.

